[:id]CHRM2 in cooperation with Indonesian Consortium of Human Rights Lecturers (SEPAHAM Indonesia) and Human Rights Law Studies (HRLS) launches a book on human rights. The title of the book is, “Hak Asasi Manusia: Dialektika Universalisme vs. Relativisme di Indonesia” (Human Rights: The Dialectics of Universalism and Relativism in Indonesia).
It is held at CHRM2 Office, CDAST Building 6th floor, University of Jember. The event is attended by the CHRM2 fellows and the representatives of mass media, Center for Research in Social Science and Humanities (C-RISSH) Universitas Jember, and Human Rights Law Studies (HRLS) UNAIR Faculty of Law.
The book launch is preceded by the Director of CHRM2 Al Khanif, Ph.D. He reiterates that this is the first book on human rights by which it should be followed by a continuous book publication. In the process of publication, it took a long time to finish the book by partnering with Jenderal Soedirman University and Airlangga University. By this publication, he wants to spread ideas of human rights to society. Specifically, it is to counter relativism which is used to constraining human rights that have been spread in the society.
Dr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman as the Editor and the Director of Human Rights Law Studies (HRLS) UNAIR Faculty of Law propounds that it should be followed by a continuous publication as our nature of academicians. He expounds that in academic institutions, in some cases he still finds some fascism thoughts in the academic atmosphere. In other cases, however, there are some universal thoughts which are in accordance with human rights. Regardless, the book starts from different perspectives between academicians that might be regarded unique and such difference is related to the discourse that cannot be separated from historical and philosophical backgrounds.
Haidar Adam, LL.M. as the contributor and the representative from HRLS affirms that we should no longer to have a single understanding, without any debates. However, it needs reasonable ways of building the dialectics or thought relating to human rights from human rights lecturers. In addition, this book is important in the process of transformation of human rights values. In some contexts, it is important to bring an advocacy to society by viewing historical perspectives. Human rights are intertwined with the struggle against oppression as a means to liberate humankind. At the end, he suggests that the publication should be followed by the next publication.
URL: http://chrm2.unej.ac.id/?p=1454
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